Entrances in Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Learn how many times users enter your site on a certain page. Understand the differences between entrances, exits, landing pages, and sessions in GA4.

There is a metric in GA4 called "entrance" that tells you how many times people visited to your site and landed on certain pages or screens.

Key takeaways:

  • GA4 entrances help you with finding the initial paths of users on your website.
  • Each entrance is linked to a specific page on your website.
  • Entrances differ from landing pages , sessions , and exit pages .
  • To view entrance metrics in GA4 reports, you must create an exploration .

Let's start with what it means and the differences between entrances and other metrics.

Then we will look at how to find the entrance metric in GA4 reports.

What Are Entrances in Google Analytics 4 (GA4)?

Entrances indicates how often the first event in a session happened on a page or screen. Exits , on the other hand, shows how many times the most recent event in a session occurred.

Users' first interaction with your website is an entrance. This could be through different sources and channels such as paid search , direct traffic , or social media. Then, each entrance leads to a website page.

However, keep in mind that this is easily confused with other terms, such as landing pages and sessions.

Entrance rate is another metric that measures the percentage of sessions starting with specific pages. It shows how well those pages attract and engage users.

Let's bring clarity to all of this.

Differences Between Entrances, Landing Pages and Sessions in GA4


Entrances count the number of times a visitor initiated a session on a specific page or screen.

Landing pages

A landing page is the first page a user views when they visit your website. It includes the page path and the query string. You can include landing pages as a dimension in your reports. Entrances, on the other hand, are the number of times this first visit occurs during a time period.


A GA4 session refers to a period of user activity on your website. It begins when a user visits your site and ends after a period of inactivity (30 minutes) or when they leave. Sessions may include multiple pageviews and interactions.


Page_view is a default GA4 event . Pageview occurs whenever the user's browser loads or reloads a page. So, even if a user visits the same page multiple times, GA4 will count the views. This differs from an entrance in that it does not have to be the first page your user lands.

Exits / Exit Pages

Exits are the last pages a user visits before leaving your website. It shows the place at which users leave your site, regardless of how many pages they viewed during their session. Exit pages may help in finding potential drop-off points or pages that require optimization to reduce exit rates.

How To View Entrances in Google Analytics 4 (GA4)?

In order to find entrances in Google Analytics 4, you need to create an exploration report.

Entrances and exits in Google Analytics 4
Entrances and exits in Google Analytics 4

Follow these steps to view entrance metric in GA4 reports:

If you want to learn how you can include these custom reports in your dashboard, here is a tutorial on GA4 collections and libraries .

PS: Entrances are closely related to landing pages. We suggest doing an in-depth landing page analysis. Here is the PPC landing page analysis lesson from our free training.

For more sources, you can check out the Google's official support center page about entrances in GA4.

Conclusion: Understanding Entrances in Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Understanding entrances in GA4 provides valuable insights into user behavior and the effectiveness of your website's entry points.

By creating exploration reports, you can analyze which pages serve as primary entry points and optimize them to improve user engagement.

This data, when combined with other metrics like landing page performance and exit rates, gives you a comprehensive view of the user journey through your site.

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