E-commerce Order - Purchase Reports in GA4

Learn how to how to set up Purchase (Sales) reports in GA4, in addition to the Order IDs and all relevant metrics

In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a purchase (sales) report in GA4 and see details about your purchases such as your transaction IDs, also known as order IDs.

E-commerce Order - Purchase Reports
E-commerce Order - Purchase Reports

This way, you can compare & validate your purchase-level data to detect potential issues, such as duplicate conversions.

Here are the steps:

It's important to note that some orders might be missing due to a number of reasons such as ad blockers, IOS changes, etc. Therefore, the matching rate is generally around 80%.

If you want to learn more about the transaction ID (order ID) in GA4, here is a more detailed guide for you: How to Find Transaction ID in GA4

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