Lesson 12: E-commerce Reports

Lesson 12: E-commerce Reports | GA4 Training by GA4.com

E-commerce reports in GA4 are essential for all e-commerce brands and professionals, extending well beyond Shopify merchants. These reports provide insights into sales performance, and customer behavior across a variety of e-commerce platforms.

GA4's e-commerce reports provide a holistic view that helps in fine-tuning product listings, and improving overall user experience, resulting in increased sales and customer satisfaction. Whether you manage a large e-commerce site or a small online store, understanding monetization trends and product popularity are critical to your company's growth.

Learning Objectives:

In this video, you'll learn about the essential e-commerce reports in GA4 and discover various ways to track your product, campaign, and store performance.

Here's a glimpse of what we'll cover:

  • exploring the top e-commerce reports in Google Analytics 4,
  • gaining insight into how monetization reports and GA4 e-commerce tracking function,
  • examining product, brand, and category-level performance reports,
  • analyzing Google Ads & Facebook Ads campaigns via GA4,
  • filtering (segmenting) GA4 reports by specific ad campaigns,
  • viewing Tech & Geo reports to identify issues in your e-commerce store,
  • and much more...

Useful Resources

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👉 Next Lesson:  Important Google Analytics 4 Settings

👈 Previous Lesson:  Standard Google Ads Reports

📚 We recommend exploring our article Important E-commerce Reports in GA4 , to enhance your understanding of e-commerce analytics. You can also watch Lesson 6: E-commerce Sales .

Table Of Contents